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Medical Services

Our Medical Services

We work with individuals who want to take a proactive approach to their health and stay ahead of the medical curve. We promote health and wellness by helping to restore and optimize your body’s natural balance.


IV Therapy

Physical Exams


Immunity IV Drip

Give your body the fuel it needs to stay healthy and on the go. The Immunity Drip is a cold and flu booster, and improves both immune health and mental clarity. It includes a high dosage of Vitamin C, B vitamins, and Zinc combined with nutrients that help keep common illnesses at bay. This is the perfect drip for the busy business person or the continental world traveler.

The Immunity Drip is a tailor-made infusion to boost your immune system to help in prevention of travel related illnesses associated with common viruses and microbes.


This concentrated dose of amino acids, electrolytes, and multi-vitamins supports the rebuilding, maintenance and hydration of your muscles, enhancing endurance and recovery. We formulated a treatment that provides more benefits than any workout or energy drinks, shakes and pills, without the unwanted side effects of harmful additives included in them.

Flush out lactic acid and restore your body with one liter of hydration. Get pumped with 100% nutrient absoprtion, your muscles will thank you! Perfect for professional and amateur athletes, as well as part of a pre-endurance boost or post-event recovery plan.

Limitless IV Drip

Our most popular drip is this “all in one” vitamin concoction that specializes in optimizing your physical performance and neurological functions. It simultaneously expands your immune support, facilitates a detox, keeps you feeling energized and refreshed. Along with one liter of hydration it is rich in antioxidants and anti-aging benefits, including a push of high dose glutathione for glowing skin.

Boost your immune system, mental & physical performance engineered to combat executive stress with this blend that will have you running circles around everyone.

Hangover IV Therapy Drips

STANDARD: Skip the coffee or any remedy you swear by and get instant hangover relief with one full liter of hydration, high dose vitamins, antioxidants and micronutrients. Revive yourself with the ultimate liver detox and energy boost to recover and get back on your feet in no time!


PREMIUM: Replenish half of your total body fluid with 2 liters of pure hydration. This master detox clears free radicals and helps scrub your liver squeaky clean after the damage you’ve done. Plus the included medical boosters of your choice will alleviate that gnarly headache, nausea or inflammation.

Myers Cocktail IV Drip

Our Myers Cocktail is the perfect IV drip to alleviate chronic symptoms like inflammation, muscle pain, fatigue and stress. With the perfect blend of multivitamins and hydration this infusion also helps increase immune support, alleviate anxiety, migraines and muscle cramps. Relax with this restorative drip that can help restore balance to your mind, body and even soul.

The Myers Cocktail is on record for having made patients feel more energized for long periods of time and even improved athletic performance. It also established positive results when applied to the treatment of conditions like migraines, fatigue, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies and cardiovascular disease.

Surgery IV Drip

The Surgery Drip takes a blend of high dose Vitamin C and antioxidants to help maximize your body’s ability for tissue repair and wound healing. Doctors know that your body is undergoing a large amount of stress and increase in cellular growth in order to rebuild the human body after surgery. This same stress can lead to infections, decreased energy, and a weakened immune system.

We have formulated the surgery drip to give you the nutrients that you cannot take in pre and post surgery or that may have been depleted during the stressful process. Surgery drip it and get maximum repair with minimum healing time.

Skinny IV Drip

Drip and drop with this highly concentrated dose of amino acids, electrolytes and multi-vitamins that will give you a natural boost to help reach your weight loss goals. Hydrate and restore balance while optimizing nutrient levels to help you burn more fat, increase metabolism, build lean muscle & curb appetite with the additional weight loss booster shot that is administered afterwards. Plus, with increased energy and stamina you can really kick your waistline into better shape.

We have formulated an IV drip that is more effective than daily pills and shakes. With 100% absorption, you are one step closer to your weight loss goals.

Hydroboost IV Drip

Get instant hydration with 1 Liter of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringer. This isotonic solution replenishes electrolytes, restores fluid balances, and reduces acidity. It ultimately provides detoxification by flushing out your system. Customize your drip with vitamin boost injections for optimal benefits to suit your individual needs.

An isotonic solution holds the same osmolarity as your own blood and after direct infusion it increases the overall fluid volume circulating in your blood stream to help replenish your body on a cellular level. 

Beauty IV Drip

Get the ultimate beauty boost from the inside out with this perfect blend of hydration, high-dose glutathione, biotin and multi-trace elements. No tricks or angles, just 100% vitamin and antioxidant absorption to keep your hair, skin, and nails looking pristine.

Now you can try Hollywood’s favorite beauty treatment without the celebrity price tag. Beauty is skin deep after all and it begins at the cellular level with this renowned IV drip.

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